Tag Archives: social media

The social media landscapes

My favourite class to teach, back in the day, was an advanced digital media class at Kwantlen Polytechnic University. No other class I’ve ever taught required such continual professional development, though, and it would take me many months of preparation … Continue reading

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Feedback loops

The original focus of University of Washington’s Professor Kate Starbird’s research was Crisis Informatics, “the study of how information-communication technologies are used during crisis events, including natural disasters (like earthquakes and hurricanes) and man-made disasters (such as shooting events and … Continue reading

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Editing for a civil society

Friend of No Contest Communications Chet Wisniewsiki, a principal research scientist at Sophos, woke me up with this short thread earlier this week:

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Time for some PD

It has been awhile since I taught a digital marketing course at my university. It was such a fun class! My third-year students all helped one another (and me) keep abreast of new apps and innovations – literally on a … Continue reading

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Brand-new URLs seem expensive …

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Getting it over on Google

As someone who has taught digital and social media to super-smart marketing students, this cracked me up: Why would Rudy Giuliani associate and indicted dealmaker Lev Parnas name his company “Fraud Guarantee”? Is there a worse name for a company … Continue reading

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I have always considered being a bit of a catastrophist an important part of my mental hygiene. This started in my undergraduate days when I took a lot of classes in probability and statistics. The most important word in the … Continue reading

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Mistakes you should avoid as a business using social media

The always smart Kaylynn Chong at Hootsuite has these six good reminders: Don’t over-hashtag. “Too many hashtags can make you look spammy or desperate if you’re using ones that aren’t relevant to your post. Even if you gain followers, it’s … Continue reading

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Should a President Be Allowed to Block You on Twitter?

Jacob Sollum from Reason Magazine’s Hit & Run Blog has a good piece on the topic this morning. It will surprise no one familiar with Donald Trump’s attitude toward criticism that people who make negative comments about him on Twitter … Continue reading

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Satire and Critique

From the very smart libertarian blog “Hit and Run,” presented without comment, except to note that all’s well that ends well (if it does end well): Last Thursday an Ohio jury acquitted Anthony Novak, a 27-year-old man whom Parma police arrested … Continue reading

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